Economic empowerment of girls, women and youth through microcredit driven entrepreneurship(suspension)
BackgroundIn rural Mubende, more than 80% of youth and women are self employed as farmers, petty jobs, and petty business. Majority of these have no access to credit that is badly needed to boast their income generating activities. This is due to lack of collateral security that is required in commercial banks and credit institutions for them to acquire loans. Youth and women in Mubende and beyond have ended up living a subsistence life. Girls and women are forced into either forced marriage or informal activities like commercial sex. They cannot afford basics of life namely food, medical care, clothing, scholastic materials among others. In the targeted communities, 60% of the population leave below poverty line (earning 2$ per day) Their vulnerability is worsened by the fact that about 40% of households are women, widow, child or grandparent headed. Such households need support to improve their incomes.Low cost credit provided by not for profit organizations like SORAK is less costly is the best choice for such populations. Microcredit given to women and youth has the ability of providing an opportunity to invest in profitable income generating activities. They will be advanced money ranging from 50,000 UGX to 200,000 in groups of 5 youth and or women and this money could be used to start and income generating activity like market vending, making of chapatis, buying and raising a piglet etc. SORAK will accompany this with entrepreneurship training to ensure that the money is put into proper use. Each of the group will be required to repay the money within 6 months. On the other hand, SORAK as a means of sustaining the organization as well as economic empower girls, youth and women impact by COVID -19, has established a bakery and jelly production and training centre. This is at its final stages to start production but bad need extra funding for the needed startup raw materials and marketing. We passed the market research stage where SORAK made mosquito repellant jelly with lemon grass essential oil, supplied to the potential buyers whose feedback in so encouraging. SORAK is thus motivated to contribute some money and invest into this empowering as well as income generating activity. SORAK will also use part of the money to support the bakery and jelly making and training centre for girls and women. This will further enhance their skills better livelihoods. |